
O momento mais lindo do dia. O pôr do sol alaranjado se transformando no azul denso. As estrelas se mostrando aos poucos e a lua iluminando meu caminho em meio a escuridão total. Me atento aos…


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Breathing and Kissing Again

Happy reading, and see you next week for a little surprise!

Dear Reader,

Every day I look for a way to slow down time, to enjoy my books and writing more, but I haven’t found the solution yet. And at the same time, like many of us I think, I’m looking forward to the New Year and see what it holds for me.

Well, what’s certain is that it has in store the first book of poetry by the writers of Scribe, that’s good enough, isn’t it? On the other hand, it would be a good thing if 2021 chased away the pandemic, that we could breathe and embrace each other again.

This is the possibility as a writer to send a nicely designed email (by checking a box when publishing) to our readers to alert them when a new story is published. Not all of our readers are always connected to Medium, and this new feature is one more way to deepen our relationship with them.

So read Abby’s story and run to my profile to press the Subscribe button and receive an email every time I post a new story, then activate the option in your account settings so I can do the same!

For my part, I wrote a poem, Meaning, and I share what I had on my heart about a certain style of writing: Heartfelt Cries.

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