Energi di tigabelas tiga puluh

Tiga belas tiga puluh. Tepat setengah jam lagi, ribuan harapan akan terwujud, dan ribuan harapan akan teredam pula. Ya, tepat ketika aku menulis tulisan ini, aku sedang gundah, gundah karena hal itu…


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5 Tricks on Capturing the Magic of Spring

A photographer’s seasonal playground

Beautiful spring flowers with snow on them | Click, Click, PHOTO!
Courtest of creative commons

Personally, I found that it is one of the most exciting times of the year, where a new world is there for the taking — taking of photos that is.But how do you go about taking photos for this new season? A new season means new possibilities, so you gotta be sure that everything goes right for a first photoshoot. So as a photographer, how do you approach the spring?

Today, I wanted to go over some photo spring tips; some tricks and good advice how to take some awesome photos when everything starts to warm after the hard winter. I hope like myself, you can get some amazing photos this spring.

The spring is the perfect time of change — where we transition from the cold winter months to the hopefull warm of summer. This gives you the perfect opportunity to capture the same scene in different seasons. perhaps you may have a favorite location that you like to visit. For example, it could be a local woodland, a landscape or a place of interest you enjoy visiting during a holiday. When visiting there, you may find the scenery looks unique at different times of the year. The changing seasons mean the conditions may vary dramatically from one period to the next.

A great example of this in spring is the Snowfall in winter making way for spring flowers and lush green vegetations. This contrast will be a significant effect on the look and feel of your images.

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